If you have an event you'll want to make sure you have great photographs to use to for marketing and promotion. Whether it's a 2 hour seminar or a multi day conference or convention we can help provide you with the coverage you need. From one to multiple photographers we make sure you get the photos you need.
Multiple day corporate events have a lot of moving parts: from networking receptions, key note speakers and breakout sessions to expos and even headshot stations. You want coverage that tells the complete story of the event. Capturing all the speakers, receptions, dinners and even the expo. One of the more popular draws at an expo can be a headshot station. Providing a quick and easy headshot experience for your attendees and even the vendors themselves is worth the investment. Having this sponsored by one of the vendors is even better. This can be either during a single day or throughout the convention.
From the sublime to the silly-you want coverage of all of the event
In working with your photographer for an event make sure you sit down with them (face to face, via zoom or phone) to discuss the outline of the event—especially if it’s a multi day event. Often you are seeing things one way and your photographer—who is outside of your company—is seeing things another way. Be open to suggestions from the photographer. If you are trying to keep the budget down explore ways to have the photographer on site fewer hours. For example—if you have a reception following a day of presentations—even if the reception is scheduled to last two or three hours for your attendees— have the photographer cover it for one hour. Often that is all that is needed to get the photos you are looking for. So reviewing the schedule so everyone is clear about what is expected is important. Help the photographer understand your vision for the event. A shot list is a handy way to have them capture the key photos you need.On the flip side some corporate events fly in a photographer to work with them -either way clear direction is a must.
Spell out what you want and when you need it (following the event) this will keep everyone on the same page and much happier as a result.