Marketing Photography + Video
If you are in business you understand the importance of a good profile head shot. Works well on your social media as well as your about page for your website. But what about all the other photos on your website? Photos that show your products and services? Are you using stock photos? Sometimes a good stock photo is the best option. However you cannot guarantee that someone else in your market might not be using that same photo on their business website.
Nothing shows off your business better than business branded photos. What are these? They are photographs that show your actual staff, your business location and your products or services. According to research an online customer will touch on your business in 5 to 7 ways before making a decision to purchase your product or service. Now this may be your online reviews, your social media as well as your website. What message are you conveying in these places? Can your potential customer see you staff or other customers using your product or service?
Why not hire a professional to come photograph your staff and products and services. You could even add some video to the mix. A very short view (think under 2 minutes) is a great way to actually show people with your products or even you talking about who you serve. This is a great way for customers to “meet” you virtually before stepping a foot into your business.
Business branded marketing photos and even video is not as expensive as you may think. We offer packages for as little as an hour of photography or video. Images that can tell your story to your customers. Photos that no one else will be using on their website because they belong to your business.
Ready to get started? Go here to view our videos and here to learn more about business branded photography. Call 719-475-0160 or email us for more information.