Tara Patty Photography

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Why Settle for Less Than the Best

Many people are okay with mediocrity—in fact they have become addicted to it. But when it comes to a professional business portrait why leave out the “professional” piece?

We all want our business to be the best—at least that would be the general assumption, otherwise why would you be in business in the first place? We purchase and use the best technology we can afford, we have great systems in place, great marketing materials and web sites (if not then hire a good graphic designer please). But when it comes to putting a “face” on our business we’re willing to settle for less? Okay, not everyone is settling but I do see enough of them. And I’ve done the “do over” for someone else who performed less than the best.

I’ve secured jobs from clients who first tried someone who was not all that professional in terms of even understanding their gear, let alone producing a decent final product. On the flip side I’ve had clients try to save a little money and grab a deal only to come back to me and confess that they wasted their time and money with very little to show for it.  Yes, I get it, good creative professionals are not inexpensive.

But if you think hiring a professional (fill in the blank here) is expensive just wait until you’ve hired an amateur then have to go through the process all over again with someone that actually knows what they’re doing. That’s not to say that there aren’t professionals out there that aren’t nearly as good as they ought to be. There are plenty of amateurs in many types of professions (not just in the creative industry).

So when it comes to your business portrait or images to market your business please spend a little and hire a good professional photographer, you’ll be glad you did.