Tara Patty Photography

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Video As Funding Tool

Video can be a vital part of any business—from the About videos on websites and in social media to more in depth videos on products and services. Video is hot! By 2018 it’s estimated that video will be 80% or more of online activity.

Why is video important? Not just because that’s the way online content is going but because video builds connection. It helps your audience to see you as a real person not just a faceless business. How can you use video to do fundraising?

Well many non profits have figured out that if they tell their story in a short video it will help their donors know and care more about them. But what about a for profit company? Yep, video can help you too. We recently produced a video for a company that is launching a new app. They are in the process on doing a Crowdfunding Campaign on 2 different sites. Their video not only explains who they are and what they do but it details the app that they are wanting to build. 

The interesting thing is these guys are not a tech company that builds apps. They’re a resource for special education teachers and other working with children with autism. Advanced Neuro Connections does a lot of work in the area of children with special needs. Their concept for the app, GenSyn, is wonderful and what better way to convey their message to donors than through a visual medium: video.

My guess is that they will reach their funding goals for this project because those who use video on these funding sites rarely have a problem finding donors.  How might a video change your business? Professional produced video is more affordable than ever. Ready to talk? Give us a call @719.475.0160 and we’ll walk you through the process.