Tara Patty Photography

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Does Your Business Portrait Match Your Brand?

It’s hopefully obvious that a good business portrait is important to your business. But does it reflect your brand? And going a step further what if you have a sub brand or you market a few different types of customers? Would your current portrait reflect that part of your brand?

It certainly doesn’t hurt to have in place various marketing materials that target the audience you are trying to reach. Having more than one business portrait can certainly be part of this. For example, this week I photographed a business team from a large national financial services company. We did the standard suit and tie shots in studio, both individual as well as their team portrait. But then they asked me to do something that I thought was really great. They wanted a nice outdoor scenic shot with their team wearing not suits (which wouldn’t have been a good fit) but western wear. Why? Because a very large part of their portfolio of business is with ranchers in this area. And being good Coloradans these guys didn’t have to buy ranch wear but already had the boots etc to fit the part. One team member actually grew up on a local ranch and still manages cows from time to time.

As we did the shot it reminded me of the importance of targeting your market. Not just zeroing in on who your ideal customer is but in reflecting them to a degree to make them more comfortable. These ranchers that these financial team members are trying to reach are certainly going to feel more comfortable speaking with a financial services rep out on the job with a guy or gal wearing jeans and boots versus someone wearing a pin strip suit.

So as you reflect on your business and your brand(s)- are your marketing materials a good fit?

If not I’d be happy to take care of that for you! Call 719.475.0160 to set up your business portrait today.