Tara Patty Photography

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Why Waste Time And Money On Professional Photography?

Why would you want to waste time and money hiring a professional photographer? You can no doubt take a pretty good photo of yourself to post on LinkedIn and other sites with your cell phone, right? Or just have your kid who has the new DSLR take a few shots of you to post. Just delete all the blur ones and you’re good to go.

And for family portraits your cell phone is good enough, right? Or how about that new camera you just bought. The one with the detachable lens..except it might be hard to get in the photo with your family but you can always grab a neighbor to trip the shutter for you. And forget hiring a photographer for your wedding. I mean really? You want to have the money to spend on the cake and the decorations, the venue and the food not to mention THE dress. Who wants great pictures when you can spend money on the dress, right? You can always find someone with a camera that is pretty good and they will give you the digital files later. Who cares if they didn’t get the kiss? And forgot to get a good photo of aunt Betty with your in-laws. Or that you lost the thumb drive with your images. Oh well, certainly some friends took a few photos…after all you did have a great dress.

Great photography for those milestones in your life doesn’t really matter..until it does. The professional business headshot that lands you that important job or account. The framed piece of art of your family hanging above the fire place that includes your grandparents who are gone now. The custom wedding album that becomes your first heirloom as a couple. Priceless.

So why hire a professional photographer? Sometimes you can’t afford NOT to.